Cherry Barb


Its a kinda MAGIC!! ^_^
Mar 4, 2005
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Leicestershire UK
well i have 1 male cherry barb and was wondering if it would be better to get a few more at the minute he kind of shoals with the neons, but would he prefer the company of his own kind? maybe a female or two.
yeah seems a good idea, considering youv got room for then, id maybe get 3/4 idealy
I have one and he's happy on his own, he swims with all the other fish, don't tend to get on with there own kind.
well he just hangs with the guppies or neons or even the BN plecos :lol:, hes seems happy enough though, thanks for your replies.
These done great in my tank in a group of 5.They breed as well even in a community tank.Make sure you get more than 1 male as they compete for females and display to each other.This gives you the benifit of seeing the true cherry colour as the males turn bright red and are stunning.This is one of the few barbs that seem to get along with other small fish as most barbs are fin nippers. :)
Hiya! I was just about to post something about cherry barbs and I saw yours and thought I'd pass on my experience! I have 2 males and 2 females in with danios and corys. One of my males has turned into a tiny terror. I've only had them about 6 weeks but he has taken over the tank (all 96 ltrs of it!). Not content with bullying the other 3 cherry barbs so that he 'owns' 7/8ths of the tank he has now turned his attention onto the corys, chasing them out of 'his' tank and pining them into a corner. Obviously he hadn't read the books that say they're peaceful with other fish!
So I'd suggest not getting another male and concentrating on a few females for yours. It would be sad if by introducing another male you tipped one of them into becoming such a nasty little specimin. I'm now having to consider buying another tank to house him because he's making life so miserable for everyone else!
best wishes

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