Cherry barb with 2 white marks on head


Fish Fanatic
Mar 28, 2021
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Hi everyone, I am new to the hobby and looking for some advice for one of my cherry barbs. I noticed he has 2 white marks on his head. I’ve had a good look through all the forums and I really don’t think it’s white spot or columnaris. I’m inclined to think it’s an injury of some sort. I have isolated the fish in an emergency quarantine tank that I’ve literally just set up. I haven’t had the chance to cycle it therefore I have used the water from my tank as im
Mid way through a big water change and I have squeezed my filter sponge from my fluval into the tank to help the filter get some bacteria. None of the the other fish have any marks, and everyone seems happy and healthy, eating etc. Hopefully after your advice I can move this fish back into my main tank. The details of my tank parameters, stocking etc is below.

Tank size: 180l Juwel vision led
tank age: 2nd hand tank but I have had it just over 6 weeks. (Fully cycled before adding fish)
pH: 7.5
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 25mg
kH: I’m afraid I’m not 100% with this as o don’t have a testing kit other than dipsticks which I’ve heard are not very reliable. @Essjay worked out that my water is on the softer side using the information available from my local water supplier. I have done the dipstick test anyway photos below. Hardness is 125 I know you probably can’t work anything out using that. I have ordered the API 6 in 1 testing kit. I’m currently using individual tetra tests, which set me back £50 for the 4 needed ammonia, ph nitrite and nitrate... stupid fish store advice!
gH: see above
tank temp: 25.5c

Fish Symptoms male cherry barb, colour great, behaving normally and eating etc. Currently chasing bubbles in the quarantine tank. He has 2 small white marks in his head. They don’t seem raised or furry however I’m no expert.

Volume and Frequency of water changes: I have only ever done 1 water change, last week before adding fish and I did 50% using fluval aqua plus water conditioner. Currently in the middle of doing a 75% water change as advised by @Colin_T in another thread.

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: There are no additional chemicals in my tank. I am running the fluval 307 external filter with the standard media, sponges, ceramic rings and I believe the top bag is carbon. Again I’m

Tank inhabitants:

12 cherry barb... although I’m not 100% if 6 are cherry barbs (they were added 2 days after I added the first 6 which consisted of 5 males & 1 female Maidenhead aquatics) the next 6 that were added are either something different or female cherry barbs. They are much smaller and different colouration. I have included a picture below.
3 honey gouramis (1 male 2 females)
6 lemon tetra
6 cardinal tetra.

I do want to add some coreys or similar but was advised to wait until my tank is more established.

Recent additions to your tank. Nothing added to tank, I have a 2 Java ferns in pots (added when I purchased the fish awaiting delivery of gorilla glue to add to rocks) 6 marimo moss balls, 4 opened up to act as carpet between some rocks. Various artificial plants (I am going to be switching these out in a few weeks with real plants. Was too scared to try live planting at first but decided I’m going to give it a go. 1 small coconut hide, 1 large coconut hide 2 large coral tunnel ornaments and a few rocks.

Exposure to chemicals: 0 exposure to chemicals.

Digital photo (include if possible):


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Hi everyone, I am new to the hobby and looking for some advice for one of my cherry barbs. I noticed he has 2 white marks on his head. I’ve had a good look through all the forums and I really don’t think it’s white spot or columnaris. I’m inclined to think it’s an injury of some sort. I have isolated the fish in an emergency quarantine tank that I’ve literally just set up. I haven’t had the chance to cycle it therefore I have used the water from my tank as im
Mid way through a big water change and I have squeezed my filter sponge from my fluval into the tank to help the filter get some bacteria. None of the the other fish have any marks, and everyone seems happy and healthy, eating etc. Hopefully after your advice I can move this fish back into my main tank. The details of my tank parameters, stocking etc is below.

Tank size: 180l Juwel vision led
tank age: 2nd hand tank but I have had it just over 6 weeks. (Fully cycled before adding fish)
pH: 7.5
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 25mg
kH: I’m afraid I’m not 100% with this as o don’t have a testing kit other than dipsticks which I’ve heard are not very reliable. @Essjay worked out that my water is on the softer side using the information available from my local water supplier. I have done the dipstick test anyway photos below. Hardness is 125 I know you probably can’t work anything out using that. I have ordered the API 6 in 1 testing kit. I’m currently using individual tetra tests, which set me back £50 for the 4 needed ammonia, ph nitrite and nitrate... stupid fish store advice!
gH: see above
tank temp: 25.5c

Fish Symptoms male cherry barb, colour great, behaving normally and eating etc. Currently chasing bubbles in the quarantine tank. He has 2 small white marks in his head. They don’t seem raised or furry however I’m no expert.

Volume and Frequency of water changes: I have only ever done 1 water change, last week before adding fish and I did 50% using fluval aqua plus water conditioner. Currently in the middle of doing a 75% water change as advised by @Colin_T in another thread.

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: There are no additional chemicals in my tank. I am running the fluval 307 external filter with the standard media, sponges, ceramic rings and I believe the top bag is carbon. Again I’m

Tank inhabitants:

12 cherry barb... although I’m not 100% if 6 are cherry barbs (they were added 2 days after I added the first 6 which consisted of 5 males & 1 female Maidenhead aquatics) the next 6 that were added are either something different or female cherry barbs. They are much smaller and different colouration. I have included a picture below.
3 honey gouramis (1 male 2 females)
6 lemon tetra
6 cardinal tetra.

I do want to add some coreys or similar but was advised to wait until my tank is more established.

Recent additions to your tank. Nothing added to tank, I have a 2 Java ferns in pots (added when I purchased the fish awaiting delivery of gorilla glue to add to rocks) 6 marimo moss balls, 4 opened up to act as carpet between some rocks. Various artificial plants (I am going to be switching these out in a few weeks with real plants. Was too scared to try live planting at first but decided I’m going to give it a go. 1 small coconut hide, 1 large coconut hide 2 large coral tunnel ornaments and a few rocks.

Exposure to chemicals: 0 exposure to chemicals.

Digital photo (include if possible):
I also have some floating plants water lettuce I believe
Looks like injuries to me, scrapes from the deco or are those lemons during feeding time?

They're known to be pretty boisterous generally, but especially at feeding time
Looks like injuries to me, scrapes from the deco or are those lemons during feeding time?

They're known to be pretty boisterous generally, but especially at feeding time
They’re definitely fast at feeding time however I spread the crushed flakes across the full length of the tank. They seem to stay in thier own area to eat the middle mainly so do the cardinals, barbs feed in the corner near the filter. Gouramis hovering around the floor. Haven’t witnessed any aggression as yet & I watch them the whole time they’re feeding. Would you suggest moving him back into his own tank as I have no heater for the small tank I’ve ordered one but won’t be here until tomorrow. Or shall I wait for more advice? Should I keep adding dechlorinated warm water to his tank to maintain temperature (it does say that barbs can live without a heater but a bit unsure)
I'd put the fish back into the main tank, wait and watch, see how he does....clean, fresh water is the best thing for injuries, so don't slack on your regular WC's
I'd put the fish back into the main tank, wait and watch, see how he does....clean, fresh water is the best thing for injuries, so don't slack on your regular WC's
Currently doing a 75% water change. I’ve included some more pics as you can see it better now he’s back in the main tank. Thank you for your advice


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need pictures that are in focus to be able to identify diseases
Hi Colin thanks for the reply. Just had a read on how to take clearer pictures of fish. I will have another go in the morning as it’s 1:30am here.

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