Cherry Barb suddenly struggling to swim


Fish Herder
Pet of the Month 🎖️
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 16, 2019
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I noticed this morning that one of my Cherry Barbs is really struggling to swim. She's swimming almost vertically and she's desperately trying to propel herself up.
She was completely fine yesterday, and I don't see any other physical signs of sickness. I just did a big water change 3 days ago, and all the other fish are fine, so I know it's not the water quality that's the problem. Also, I fed some peas earlier, and she did eat some.
Now, this fish is about 4 1/2-5 years old, so I don't know if it's just age, or if there's something wrong that I can fix?
Video of the fish?

If the fish sinks when it stops swimming, it has a swim bladder problem and there's no cure. If it is a swim bladder problem, then euthanise the fish. But post a video first so we can confirm it.
Video of the fish?

If the fish sinks when it stops swimming, it has a swim bladder problem and there's no cure. If it is a swim bladder problem, then euthanise the fish. But post a video first so we can confirm it.
Unless it's a bottom dweller. I would have lost all my Corys by now. Not trying to be sarcastic, just in case someone reads this and does not know any better. I kinda freaked out when I saw my Corys, on the bottom, not moving, for a long time. Then I realize they are called Cats for a reason. Eat, rest, rest more, then zoomies!

Added: I know the fish in question is not a Cory, or Catfish, or bottom dweller, but often folks don't read the entire thread or have that knowledge.
Video of the fish?

If the fish sinks when it stops swimming, it has a swim bladder problem and there's no cure. If it is a swim bladder problem, then euthanise the fish. But post a video first so we can confirm it.
Do you know if I can post a video to vimeo and then post it here? I don't have a youtube account.
No idea about that video place. I just made a free YouTube account and upload them there.

You can try your video hosting site and copy the link here. See if it works
Okay, here is the video. Please excuse the TV in the background.

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She has a major swim bladder problem (it doesn't work anymore) and is stuffed, euthanise here.
I figured you were going to say that. I don't know how I'll be able to euthanize her, since I have a hard time killing anything. But I can tell she's suffering, so I guess I'll have to. What would be the best, gentlest way to do it?
catch the fish, put it between a couple of paper towels and hit it on the head with something hard.

if you can't do that, clove oil is meant to work but you have to have clove oil.

the rspca here says to put fish in a bucket of water and pop them in the fridge until the fish stops moving, then freeze them.
catch the fish, put it between a couple of paper towels and hit it on the head with something hard.

if you can't do that, clove oil is meant to work but you have to have clove oil.

the rspca here says to put fish in a bucket of water and pop them in the fridge until the fish stops moving, then freeze them.
I don't think I could smash the fish. I might have clove oil though. How much do I use?
You have the fish in a small container of aquarium water with an airstone bubbling away gently. You add a drop of clove oil and wait a minute to see how the fish reacts. If it doesn't fall asleep you add another drop and wait a bit. Continue adding a drop at a time until the fish sinks to the bottom and stops moving. Then remove the airstone and put the container of water with fish, in the freezer and leave until frozen. Then bury the iceblock in the backyard.

The clove oil can be mixed with alcohol to make it more effective. See post #28 & 30 of the following link for more information.

You have the fish in a small container of aquarium water with an airstone bubbling away gently. You add a drop of clove oil and wait a minute to see how the fish reacts. If it doesn't fall asleep you add another drop and wait a bit. Continue adding a drop at a time until the fish sinks to the bottom and stops moving. Then remove the airstone and put the container of water with fish, in the freezer and leave until frozen. Then bury the iceblock in the backyard.

The clove oil can be mixed with alcohol to make it more effective. See post #28 & 30 of the following link for more information.

Okay, thank you.

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