Cherry Barb Help!


New Member
Mar 14, 2006
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I have 2 males and 4 females after following the advice of many, the problem is all the femals seem to favour 1 male and the other is left alone sulking in the corner. He doesn't have any obvious sign of disease or illness, he comes out to eat when he's fed and the other fish don't pick on him, they sometimes seem to be trying to encourage him to school with them, so I don't know what to do?

should I get more females or could there be something wrong with him?
When schooling fish hang out on their own all the time, its usually a sign that the fish is sick or unhappy about its enviroment- how many gallons is the tank, how long has it been set up and what is its total fish stocking at current? Is the lone barb skinny, has little energy or is gasping or anything?
its a 58L tank it has been fishless cycled and all tests finally read normal, there are only 2 other bronze cory's in there.
It has plenty of plants and the rest of the fish seem to be happy. He's feeding fine and swimming, doesn't look like he's having problems breathing, he is the same size as the other male, he does seem to enjoy playin in the current from the filter for a bit them just goes and hides until the other fish find him or dinner time.

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