Cherry Barb Behavior


Fish Crazy
Jan 19, 2007
Reaction score
Michigan, United States
I just bought four cherry barbs yesterday so know I have 4 girls and two boys. The girls seem to be okay but the boys are worrying me. They keep chasing the girls around and it looks like they are trying to maybe.."sniff" the girls stomachs :huh: . It's really weird and they kind of team up to do it. They chase one girl and them chase another. And they are trying to squeeze through some very tight spaces. It looks pretty strange seeing two boys and a girl trying to squeeze behind the heater at the same time :blink: . And i've been told that cherry barbs are very shy inactive fish but they all just keep zooming around :hyper: . Is this normal???
Ive got 12 Cherry Barbs and they go through phases of complete lunacy, then i never see them for a day....then the cycle starts all over agian. Also my males try to erm....welll...sniff the females bellys :blink:
Oh wait. I just read something about how cherry barbs only get nippy when they are mating. But I just got them yesterday so could they be mating already? I thought they were a bit too young for that but the males are very red. If they are mating than I could defineltly say that cherry barbs are fast!
Barbus titteya is a non-shoaling, rather solitary fish in the wild. At breeding time, they can be a little aggressive towards their partners and rivals. For this reason, I always advise that in everything but the biggest tanks, you keep just a pair, or trio, with 2 females to 1 male.

2 males together may fight, and will certainly see the other male as a rival when persuing a female.
I have just put a couple of cherry barbs in a nano tank by hoping they will mate and give me some fry.

I am a total new in breeding them, I should say no experience at all...

Anyone can share the experience in breeding them?

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