Chemistry & inches

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Aug 22, 2005
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S of England
I bougth a tank kit which came with couple of bottles of water treatments. They had the following info on the lables ...

TetraAqua Aqua Safe - "Makes tap water safe, neutralises chlorine and heavy metals."
TetraAqua Easy Balance - "Reduces frequent water changes. Keeps aquarium fresh for up to 6 months. Stabalizes pH & kH and reduces phosphates. Contains nitrate reduction granuals for less algae."

Q1 When everyone says "don't use tap water", I assume they mean don't use tapwater without adding something like Aqua Safe?

Q2 A lot of people say don't try to mess with the pH. Does that extend to "don't use Easy Balance"?

Q3 Since the Easy Balance contains nitrate reduction granuals, I assume I shouldn't add it whilst doing a fishless cycle?

Q4 Since the tank is only 30L (6.6 uk gal / 8 us gal), and I can have 7.5" of fish, isn't that going to limit me to something like 4 fish and nothing that schools?
In responce to :

Q1 When everyone says "don't use tap water", I assume they mean don't use tapwater without adding something like Aqua Safe?

Yes thats right, aqua safe removes the cloride and other heavymetals from the water. Thats what i use in my water when doing water changes.
Idris said:
Q4 Since the tank is only 30L (6.6 us gal / 8 uk gal), and I can have 7.5" of fish, isn't that going to limit me to something like 4 fish and nothing that schools?

Yup, TBH you are quite limited. You could have... a few guppies/endlers/platies, or divide it for a couple of bettas, or a dwarf puffer, or go brackish for bumblebee gobies....
I'd be wary of that Easy balance. Some people have used it and say it's alright, but I am always wary of a product that claims to make that much of a difference to fishkeeping.

Stabalising pH is different to meddling. It looks like it will provide a buffer to stop swings (which would be necessary if you go longer between water changes - see old tank syndrome thread). This is different to people putting chemicals into the tank to move the pH up or down.

I would be wary of adding the easy balance before the cycle is finished (more incase it locks up ammonia than nitrate which won't be present until towards the end of the cycle).

You have US and UK gallons the wrong way round (UK gallons are larger). I make 30 litres 6.6 or 7.9 gallons (UK and US respectively). So around 8 inches of fish would be the guideline. With better filtration, more frequent water changes and constant monitoring of the water parameters you could stretch this a little though with a tank that small I would be careful not to go over 12".


andywg said:
With better filtration, more frequent water changes and constant monitoring of the water parameters you could stretch this a little though with a tank that small I would be careful not to go over 12".
Better filtration than what? I've got an AquaEl Fan Mini pump / filter with a sponge filter.
I'm using another brand of water condition but all of them do the same anyways. And plz dont use the easy balance crap. Its totally useless. A weekly maintain(25% water ain't going to be that hard) and its way better then use of this kind of medicine to avoid water change(lazy man stuff which why most of their fishes die)

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