Check These Beautiful Guys Out ....rare?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 19, 2004
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The guy told me they were a hybrid fish, new to him and his store.

Really cool looking. Love the spotted heads.

Looks like some sort of syno's to me. They are pretty available but I am unsure if the breed you have is rare, if you found it at a lfs probably not, but you never know. Nevertheless, very nice fish :good:

how much were they?

One of our local stores had some truely rare Synos recently - for £117.50 each...
3 for $15 from a Mom&Pop pet store I go to on the way home from work. Theyre little guys, a bit bigger than Cory size.

I asked if he could get more and he said he didnt know. This was the first batch hes ever gotten. I can check back and get their name next week.
If they are that small they look like juvinile Synodontis decorus (clown Syno)

But it may very well be a hybrid - there are a lot of them coming on the market...
If they are that small they look like juvinile Synodontis decorus (clown Syno)

I recon by the looks of things you're right smithrc, baby decorus. There are a few of them about in the shops I have been in lately. I think the last ones i saw were about £7?
I have one of these that is about 6" now and I bought mine when he was the size of yours. Make sure you have a large enough tank for them, because they are very territorial of their holes.

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