Cheapest most realiable efficant silent overflow


Fish Crazy
Jul 18, 2004
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South Africa
Okay after many hours of making a overflow box and many failures i spoke to my lfs guru. he gave me a idea which he's been using for 30 years.

okay i admit my drawings a bit dodgy but hey. It works on the exact same principals of a overflow box without needing well the box or noise. Basically the grey pipes are 25 mm pvc (i know they dont all look the same but they are sorry)
the black pieces are 90` bends and a T piece. the light blue is 25mm house so that you can adjust the hight of the overflow or level you want. so as the water rises it creeps over the T piece and back into the sump.

Very simple i made mine in 20 mins. and it runs dead quite exept for the breather pipe onto of the T, which i combated by adding a 90` bend and filter floss
okay in this photo the chipboard represents the tank, you can see how see all fits together

i used u claps on the T-piece to set the hight i wanted
okay here's a complete view, sorry it's blurred. anyway i also added a end cap and drilled holes in it to the inlet as not to suck any little fishies in. in the drawing it shows the pipes running right next to each other which ofcourse they dont, my paint skill haven't reached 3D yet sorry


and basically thats it. mines been running for a couple of days now no prob. i'm pumping bout 900l/h through it. And all it takes to start was a couple of sucks on the outlet in the sump with the breather closed to get water in the u trap of the house, then I used a airline tube and sucked all the air out that was stuck at the 2 90 degree's at the top of the inlet.
Well basically the tank was given to me and i'm not sure if this dude wants it back, so i'm dont feal like cutting this tank then he complains or anything.

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