Cheap Foreign Exteranl Filter On Ebay...

At that price, you can hardly expect to be buying a premium product. Bag of decent ceramic tubes would cost more then the whole caboodle there!
LOL, thats fair enough, you get what you pay for!

Ah well, I'll dish out the full whack for a branded one :> anything other than fluval
Typoe jebo in ebay. You can get a nice jebo oddysea which is a cheap foreign filter and it is rated at 350 GPH. And I would reccomend it for up to 100 gallon tanks. It will cost you about 30 dollars to bid on ebay, right now this guy called fishman is selling dozens. I bought one for 38 dollars but less and less people are bidding as he has so many, so you could get it for around 30 now, and the shipping is 20.
Hi,going to waffle a bit here however...........(maybe go make a cuppa lol )
i've got one that looks Like that except without
the yellow sponge,it has carbon and rings that i nicked from
one of my other filters,to seed it.
I only used it for short while to filter the
small tank i had for a rescue G/Fish.over the winter before he moved to a pond,(roughly 8 months)
i've kept the filter as i thought for a small tank
it's great,and it ran well.
I'm going to the LFS at the weekend and i'm considereing getting a
male Betta,which will have a tank of his own to call home,and i will use that filter
for it.
JMHO,i was pleased with it,i will add though that i do have another small
internal filter that i have kept,as a stand by incase anything did ever go wrong.
i think i need my own shed with the amount of equipment i have. :hyper:
ah Tom rapid filters...
i see them at big als here
i never asked about them however...
and the price here is lots moreeeee
I have the Eden 501 which is the same as this. Its a really good filter and doesn't clog up.
Someone has bought that model from BBecco on here. Just do a search and it will come up.
These things must be getting popular because even Drs. Foster & Smith sells them now : Link

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