Cheap Aquarium Stand Ideas


Fish Herder
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
Massachusetts, USA
Hey everyone-

As some of you may know I am obtaining a 10 gallon tank this weekend for free. My problem is that the cheapest stand I can find is a wrought iron one for 25 bucks, so i was thinking i could build my own. Has anyone ever done this before, and if so can you give me some pointers and approximate cost!

Thanks bunches! :rolleyes:
Some college buddies who first got me interested in the hobby years ago were fond of setting their tanks on clay chimney flues. Basically, they were large, oval-shaped sections used to line chimneys. They're made of kiln-fired clay and about 3 feet long. Put two side by side, and they easy held the weight. You might find a supplier in the phone book.

My 15-gallon high tank (same footprint as a standard 10-gallon) has set for years on a wooden magazine rack I bought as a cheap display model at Sam's Club. It's only about 18-inches off the floor, which ain't great but, at the time, I wanted something low enough for my young daughter to easily see. It has thick vertical wooden posts on each corner that bear the weight.

A little imagination goes a long way. You have to be careful about strength, but something as small as a 10-gallon tanks gives you a lot of options.
If you have woodworking tools, you can make an easy stand of 2 X 4's and 2 X 3's. Router the edges to give it a better look.
I just built another stand like this and will be adding pictures it to my site. It is the same as the pictures on the site now, I just will not stain this new stand.
I do want to get a picture that shows the router wook better.
elgeko- Thats sooo cool! I was thinking about doing just that, however I am not very handy when it comes to woodworking! Could you give me a few pointers, such as lengths of wood, screws or nails, cost, etc.????
I think you visited my site before I got the update in. I have a closer shot of the router work I did on the boards to make it look better.

1st thing I do is make the 2 X 3's that will hold the tanks. What you need is 4 - 2 X 3's that are 21 1/2" long and 4 - 2 X 3's that are 8" long. I use glue and dowel rods. The 1st picture on my site for the stand has a close up of this.

Then you will need 4 - 2 X 4's that are 35 3/4" long. These are the legs. measuring from the top to 1" down and at 19 1/2" is were the top of the 2 X 3 frames to hold the tank will be. I cut the 2 X 4's a 1/4" deep and the width of the frame for the tank to help support the weight of the tank, gravel and water. Again the 1st picture you can see this. I then glue the frames for the tank into the 1/4" deep groove in the 4 legs. After it dries I then add dowel rods from the legs into the frame for the tank. 1st picture on site.

Hopefully you can understand this. If not I can try to explain it better.
Hey- Thanks soooo Much. I am going toprint this up and bring it home, my boyfriend is going to help me make it this coming weekend!

BTW those were perfectly clear and the pictures are great!

Thanks again! :D
Milk crates!!!!!!!!!!

2 wide by 2 or 3 high for a 10 gallon

they stack very nicely and are very strong and light.

put a blanket over top of them, they are not very aesthetically pleasing.

I have them 4 wide and 3 high on my 33 gallon (long). They are very strong and very cheap to free. You might have to pull a few strings to get some though.

Cinder blocks are good too, but they are heavy
smockit said:
try yousing cinder blocks
yep cinderblocks and ply wood... been a shelf, table and beed all in one for me for a few months at one point :)
I don't have a picture, so I'll try to explain my set up.

I had a 29 gal. tank. I bought a couple cast plaster pedestals from Garden Ridge.

That's it!! lol You can put a piece of wood on top to make sure the surface is level for the base of your aquarium and you're good to go.

Oh, and it only cost me like $20 + the 'textured' spray paint I used to paint them with. Much nicer than those iron stands. :p

forgot to post that I already made a stand! I used to caster pedestals with wood across the top, painted them and they actually look really nice! Thanks for all the replies!
why do u need a stand just put it on a chest or something my tank is on my cloths draw. :D

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