Cheap Activated Carbon..


New Member
Jun 12, 2007
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surrey england
anybody know about the cheap activated carbon around is it the same as the expensive stuff? and where do you get your carbon etc?
anybody know about the cheap activated carbon around is it the same as the expensive stuff? and where do you get your carbon etc?

Why do you want it?
It doesn't need to be used very often, I use it in emergencies on my shrimp tank (like copper not being washed off plants properly) or whenever there's any painting/varnishing going on in the house.

Since I use it so little, I have no problem paying £5 for the 300g Fluval carbon pack, comes with 3 x 100g bags in it that I can very quickly and easily fit exactly in my 105's media tray.

I've only just now used all the bags after 6 months, so it's not something I feel the need to be very frugal about.

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