Charging? Breeding?


New Member
Apr 29, 2007
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had tank set up a while nw and my 2 yellow labs keep like chargin at each other with mouths open n then like circle around, they never touch or actully fight, just wondering wat actually they are doin
had tank set up a while nw and my 2 yellow labs keep like chargin at each other with mouths open n then like circle around, they never touch or actully fight, just wondering wat actually they are doin
not sure, but theres two things that i can think of, breeding? or just showing who is the stronger one. they should be in groups of 4 or more i think. hopefully some one will correct me if im wrong?
my fish do that all the time. i think some of it is a little fighting. i dont really get to worried about it.. the only reason i say fighting is because my fish are a bit small to be breeding haha..

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