Chapter 3.. Fish


Fish Crazy
Nov 13, 2006
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Hey all.. (pics comming tonight when my new fishy comes out to see the new and improved world!)

yep... I got my first fish today.. from I ordered it on saturday, it was shipped monday and arrived today about 2 1/2 hrs ago.
I got a Royal gramma basslet (Im afraid I revamped my stockinglist... just before I orderd the fishy.) I also got a sexy annemenae (sp?) shrimp. smaller than my fingernail (ive got small hands too) about 1/4th inch (YIKES) I can almost see it! lol

now. .... I have finnaly put two of my desired fish in stone... the Royal Gramma for obvious reasons and the black barred convict Goby. the real decision bomes to the third and final fish.. long term decision here. I know most everyone would agree on the clown for nemo's sake but for once lets ignore the movie and think about the colors and personality of the fish and how they would work together.

I know damsels are more agressive... but i have planned my tank so that they would work. same goes for the true Percula Clown.

sooo what do you all think I should choose. for my third fish.... (I will get it in about a month or so)


yellow Tail Damsel
True Percula

I am having a hard time putting in the clown.. simply because of my 15 nieces and nephews who would just LOVE seeing nemo in my tank. though I love the coloration of the clowns.. the contrast is increadible and I think they are beautiful. same goes for the damsel.. but they are so .... um common ( know clowns are too) sooo.... Im having a hard time choosing which one to do.

I was going to do a 6 line warasse.. but decided I didnt want to chance my hermits or my snails being lunch. so I decided against it though it is beautiful.

help me out here guys... what do you all think?
I will get them from in due time.
How big is the tank?

My Six Line Wrasse has turned into a right bastard recently do I won't recommend one of those...

I have a Perc, which was originally to keep my g/f happy. I thought the same as you before getting it, but they're fantastic fish and I'm very happy we bought it now.
I'm sure you are aware there are many different species of clownfish....28 if my memory is correct. Have you chosen a true perc because of the colour/pattern? If so it's a good choice but as you say clownfish are getting a bit "common" now. (yes I also have a clown) Have you looked at the less "Nemo looking" varieties?

I would suggest...

Tomato Clownfish Amphiprion frenatus

Pink skunk clownfish Amphiprion perideraion

Or Orange skunk clownfish Amphiprion sandaracinos

All of which have all the pro's of the usual clowns while they don't look so much like Nemo :fun: BTW I only suggested these 3 as i know they're pretty easy to get hold of
I have a maroon clown and I would not recommend one being put in with smaller peaceful fish unless you have a 50gal tank minimum. But thats just my opinion after seeing mine bully my royal gramma to death and watching it taking my rockwork apart and throwing my sun corals because it didn't like how I'd put them :grr:

Clarkii's are lovely too
Clarkiis and skunks seem to host in just about anything :lol:
Yeah they're pretty cool little fish. I think skunks are just so pretty :drool: Although my clownfish is the prettiest little girl in the whole world even if she is a murderer
I have a 20g L....
I have looked into the other varieties of clowns.. I really Like the tomato clown.. the others are a bit pale for what I am hoping for.
but the tomato clown gets up to 5 inches.. isnt that a bit much for my tank? I already have the royal gramma basslet 3", I am set on the black barred convict goby 1 1/2".... if it wouldnt be too much I would take that in a heartbeat!


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