

Fish Herder
Apr 1, 2004
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Ontario.Canada i lost two tiger barbs last week due to unknown reasons ( see link )...My water has tested perfect and there has been no new additions or changes to the tank at all aside form regular water changes....Now ive got a third tiger barb on the brink of death. As my sig says they are in a tank with other barbs which are all healthy and fine...yet something is happening to my Tigers and im at my wits end...Ive tried looking for diseases which affect tigers with no luck and im really bummed out about it....This is something that is affecting/killing them in a short time span and i really want to figure it out before i loose anymore...Ive had this group of tiger barbs for a little over a year now and im really attached to them.

Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated!!!!!


As you seem to be aware, Tigers are notoriously good at indicating water problems, a Tiger with it's nose down is not a good sign. I also assume you tested for Ammonia and that was okay. Nitrates will affect them, but less so.

How long have they been in there?

I am not aware of anything pathogenic that affects Tigers but would leave the other barbs untouched. It is certainly true that todays LFS Tiger Barbs are a somewhat weak fish as they have been so inbred to mass produce them. Barb officianados are frequently stunned if they see a real wild caught Tiger Barb.
Definately tested all parameters and there fine :huh: ...Ive heard of the inbreeding issues but these were healthy fish which all of a sudden died...They dont show any signs of stress or disease before hand. Ive had this particular froup for about a year now. Thanks for the reply LL.

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