chaos in my fishroom


Fish Herder
May 10, 2004
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okay things are going a litlt emental with my fish lately, and it's dirvign me nuts along wtih the sudden burst of assginments that i have from school :S

So what's wrong is the male from my spawn has something that i *Think* is popeye. I know for sure that he is definteily havign difficutlies seeing. I put a pellet dead in frotno f him and he takes about 5 tries before actually being able to eat it :-( there is this white lining around his dark eyes, and th eleft one is slightly more swollen.

I have him in salt and melafix, with daily water cahnges. The tempreature is set to 80 (just put a heater in the fishroom so the fish won't have to be cold). There is also this funky thing happening to his reminds me of tail melt, what i lost a betta (kirby) to :X

I'm not sure if popeye is caused by a bactieral or fungal infection, so i'll have to get the proper meds. :sad:

another problem, the mother of my spawn recently jumped ou tof her tank, she is fine and dandy now but there is this red mark right above her eye. I'ts just like a red..line, looks like a bruise or something. She is also in some salt and melafix.

One of my bettas also decdied to blow his tail half off. Darnit, it was just beginning to heal! :-( he is also in salt and melafix, and hopefully he'll stop doing this to himself :/

If you guys have any advice i could really use it right now :(
Hi cutecotton :)

It sounds like you have your hands full with all these strange problems. :/

Here's a good article about pop eye. It explains the causes and treatments in detail and since it is from a betta site, the medications they recommend will be safe for them.

Good luck. I hope they will all be well soon. :thumbs:

EDIT: I just checked the link I posted and it doesn't take you directly to the article about pop eye. Please click the "articles" button to your right and you will see it. If it doesn't seem like that disease, click on the link about The Dreaded Flexibacter, which is an excellent article about bacterial infections.

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