Chaos At Dinner Time!


Resurrecting the Passion of Fishkeeping
Nov 12, 2009
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Couldn't help grabbing my camera at feeding time!!!

Throughout all the pictures you can see my 7 little pigs!

What's on the menu for dinner tonight? Blood worms!!!!








thanks!! I just wish they would sit still long enough more me to get a group photo - or a clear photo atleast!!!

I was thrilled to get 6 of the 7 in one goal is to get a picture of all of them!
one of my first additions to a seven gallon was an adf. i was about 9 years old. i thought that because it was little it breathed water. whoops. died in about a week :rip: :byebye: though i have been considering trying my luck at it again. not sure that they would fit in with parameters of my fish though.
you COULD always set up an extra 10 gallon for an adf colony or a single acf :angel:
wow never realized that you had such size differences... i always thought yours were very close... but those albino look HUGE!!! lol there so cute... wish i had room for another one...
LOL I love that pic 4th down - where they are all piled on top of each other :hyper: Reminds me of a rugby scrum haha!

Gosh, they are right little porkers aren't they?

yea those large two albinos are my full grown adult females, Kirby and Phoenix....
females get quite large compared to the males... that golden reticulated albino in the front of the pile of picture 4 is a juvenile male - - pretty decent size difference!!

yea they are definitely little pigs!!! with in 5 minutes, they completely devour 7 blood worm cubes... then a couple hours later munched some cut up earth worms....definite pigs!!!
OMG!! Seven cubes of bloodworm??? You must be forever buying stacks of frozen bloodworm from your LFS! I have 4 aquariums (various fish and 2 ADFs) and normally only share 1 cube out between them all LOL

Yes, your ACFs are little greedy guzzlers :lol:

Can't help but smile when I see pics of them though.

those pics made me chuckle. thanks for sharing. definitely fun little critters!
oh yes....dinner is quite a show (with a hefty bill!)

it is only, yes ONLY, 7 cubes of blood worms because at the moment there are only 3 full grown frogs, the rest are still juvies.

in a few more months, it will be over 10-12 cubes.

if they are having earth worms for dinner, at the moment it takes 10 cut up worms to satisfy them - - once they get older it will take a good 15 worms or so!

its not that bad considering they eat 2-3 times a week. if this was a daily feeding I would be looking for a part time job just to feed them haha

frogs young enough that they require daily or every other day feeding are housed in a separate 10 gallon until they become large enough to go in the main tank.

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