ray and oddball keeper !!
Just today i baught a polypterus delhezi, very nice specimen, about 8 inch long. its new home contains a number of large fish, the smallest being a pair of rainbow garras. the most dominant 'feature' of the tank being a shoal of 6 6" very nicely coloured tinfoil barbs. The worry i had in respect of the introduction of the bichir is the group of 6 channa sp. assam, no one could give me a straight answer on the compatibility, i thought as i have an 'emergency' tank ready, i would try it as i really waned the bichir. every one i asked seemed to have in mind, the snakeheads attacking the bichir. i figured with the eventual size of the channas being only about 16 cm max and the delhezi max being 35 cm that the channas aggression , which might i add i have never whitnessed anyway, would be evened out with the size of the bichir.
i would be intrested in any advice on the subject if anyone knows about the compatibility or generally on either species.
the other fish in the tank are not aggressive although some sold as aggressive, including a pink tailed caracin.
i would be more than grateful for any information /advice !!!!
i would be intrested in any advice on the subject if anyone knows about the compatibility or generally on either species.
the other fish in the tank are not aggressive although some sold as aggressive, including a pink tailed caracin.
i would be more than grateful for any information /advice !!!!