changing water


New Member
Feb 1, 2004
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i was wondering when and how to change my water?
do i need to heat the water somehow before i put it in or do i just put it in i am keeping 6 neons a midget suckermouth and 6 ornate tetras and have added new water which has been slightly warmed by a radiator i didnt think this wsas correct what is the correct way?
Your main concerns are that the water is dechlorinated and that it is a similar temperature to the water in the tank already. That's it.

You don't even need to let the water sit around. Turn on the tap and adjust the temperature until it feels just like the water in the tank. Fill a bucket with water. Use a conditioner for the chlorine and metals. Pour the water into the tank. Simple, painless, and effective.

That's assuming your have a small tank, assumption based on your stocking list.

How often? Well, nothing is better for the fish then fresh, clean water. There is no set rule, but weekly changes keep the average tank in top condition at all times. You can get away with less, and if you are up for it can even do it a little more, but that's about what I recommend.
Yep just like the addict said, you just need to have the water coming out of the faucet as warm or cold as how your tank feels. No warming on a stove or radiator is needed. :)

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