Changing Ugf For Other Filter


New Member
Jan 22, 2008
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Hi - Newbie 1st post.

I have a 48"x15"x12" freshwater tropical set up.

I run 2 UGF powerheads at present, a friend has advised to swap these for a Fluval 4 or an Eheim.

Question is which Eheim would be suitable as an alternative to the Fluval. :unsure:

Any pros and cons against either?


Most people say Eheims are better filters but a little more expensive. I've had 2 Fulval 304's on my 75 gallon tank for almost 3 years without a problem so I have no complaints about them. As for compatibility, you generally want at least a filter that is raed at least 5 times the tank volume which in your case is is about 38 gallon so you would need a filter rated at 200 gph. The Fluval 4 is rated at 260 gph. Eheim Classic 2217 would be the comparable, rated at about 264 gph.

Rather than actuall swapping the filters, I would suggest just running the new filter in tandem with the UGFs for a month or 2 and letting the bacteria start to build in it. THen you can just turn the UGFs off. Otherwise, I think you will basically have to take the entire tank down to get the UGFs out.

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