Changing the Water?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 10, 2004
Reaction score
Houston, texas
I have a question that has been bothering me. Ok sorry if this sounds dumb. I have a 10gallon tank with fry in it. Now i have been chaging the water every week but im afriad that if i clean the gravel i will suck the fry too. So my question is for every week that i chage the water do i also have to clean the gravel too or just chaging the water is fine. Thanx for any help.
As it is a fry only tank, then it's fine to just change the water.

If you add a stocking to the end of the syphon you will stop any fry being sucked up. Attach the stocking via an elastic band.
I gravel vac my fry tank everyday as they are messy little devils

Its not often that any get sucked up but I just use a normal syphon tube and they just end up in the bucket and I put them back in the tank. Its only happened twice so far so no need to worry about it.

Just make sure you inspect the syphoned off tank water carefully
Ok One more question now for my 46 gallon tank do i also need to clean the gravel every week or every other week basically what is the right amount of how many times i should clean the gravel.Thax.
I do the same thing as Joby. The fry don't seem to mind if they get sucked into the syphon. Sometimes you can't help it, they're so small you just don't see them. Just make sure to check the siphoned water for fry carefully before you get rid of it.

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