Changing The Water


Aug 24, 2006
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I was wondering if I need to change the water even if all the readings are good. Nitrate 0 Amonia 0 nitrite 0

Let me know...I'm going away for 4 days tomorrow night :)

Going home to Quebec City :) so excited
If your tank doesnt have livestock in it, I wouldnt bother. Water changes replace trace elements and remove toxins more than anything else so I guess it depends where your tank is at since I know its pretty new. Your biggest worry would be salinity after 4 days of evaporation. I'd load the tank up to the brim with some RO before you go and get your salinity low (1.021) and allow evap over a few days to slowly bring it up in your absence.
I have a bunch of invert in there as well as 17 black mollies. I started with two but they had babies. The trace elements was what I was looking for.

I just changed the water about 1.5 week ago. I'm thinking I should be all set until sunday night.

Thanx for the reply.

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