Changing the water with fry?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 14, 2005
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Hi, sorry for another stupid question, but I'm so worried! I am new with guppies and this is my first batch of fry. I have 4, maybe 5 fry and the mom all in the 10 gallon. I am on vacation visiting relatives over the summer, and so my mom is taking care of them. She says she thinks the fry are about 3-4 weeks old. But still very small. I was just wondering, I get home in 3 days and I have to change the water asap because my mom says the water is filthy but she won't change it. So I was wondering how I would do that. I wan't to just do a complete 100% water change because it is so dirty, it hasn't been changed in 2 monthes *Since I've been gone* and so what would you guys suggest. I read online that I should only do a 10% water change so it won't stress out the fry. But I don't know...I'm worried they will die from the filthy water. I also have ONE more question, sorry, I swear I have looked these questions up a thousand times, but couldn't find an answer. Anyways, I think my female guppy is sick *The mom* because lately my mom says she has been hanging out at the bottom a little more...should I be worried? Thanks for any advice!!! I could really use some! :thumbs: :blink: :sad: :no:
I have changed the water in my tank with my fry more than 10% (I'd say about 20-30%) and they were all ok. What I did was I placed some of the origional water in another tank and placed the fry in there. I then cleaned the tank with the adult fish in it and made sure everything was setteled before I re-introduced the fry.

I have lost only one fry from doing this. With you having so few that you do, you may want to wait and see what others tell you to do. I have still over 30 fry and losing one or two here and there on rare occasion is not that bad.

And wow! Not cleaning a tank for 2 months? :eek: That has got to be bad for the fish. Think of all the ammonia in there and how off the pH must be. I hope they all turn out okay and that you don't lose any fry or the adult. I don't really know what to say for the adult but to just keep you eyes on her. Someone else here should have more information.

Good Luck. :fish:
Thank you so much. :) That's a good idea. I think that's what I'll do...and I know it's so bad not to have changed the water but I am on vacation and my mom refuses to clean the water, although she does a SMALL water change every couple days, like 5-10%. Since I have been gone I have already lost a male guppy and a goldfish. I never knew it would be so hard to go on vacation when you have fish! UGH! :/ but thanks again for your advice!
You don't reallly need to move the fry while changing water, if you do it carefully with a vacuum cleaner you can pretty much get it done, just keep an eye on the fry or keep the vaccum close to the bottom of the tank so that you wont suck up one. This will avoid creating stress to the fry by changing them from one place to another.

You could do a 30 or even 40% water change, no more than that. :)
If you are going to change a large pecentage of water then treat the tank with 'BACTERLIFE', this should help replace the 'good bacteria' which breaks down uneaten food and fish waste.
I'm worried about the fry getting stressed though, so I GUESS I will only do a like 30% water change...I just dont want them to die! -_- I love them and I haven't even seen them! :wub:
Hey snailguy101,
Yes I have a digital camera, but I have been on vacation while my female had her babies, so my mom has been taking care of them. I get to see them tomarrow, and I'm so excited!!! But isn't it hard to take pictures of fry because they ARE so small and swim around a lot? But I will try anyway! :D :p
Nah. taking pictures of fry isn't that hard. Then again, mine are in a nice little breeder box so they cannot swim away from me and the camera! MUAHAHAHAHA! :lol: :D
Little_Orca said:
Nah. taking pictures of fry isn't that hard. Then again, mine are in a nice little breeder box so they cannot swim away from me and the camera! MUAHAHAHAHA! :lol: :D
I wish I had a digital camera, my fry all gather around when they see me putting food, they are so cute. They also don't seem to mind when I do water changes anymore, they even follow the vacuum around the tank, which makes it difficult at times :lol:
emmm do u have a air pump(not those that produce oxygen) to suck all the water out.if yes put a clothe over the place where you suck the water from

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