Changing tanks

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Fish Crazy
Feb 26, 2017
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Hi, how long have I got between tank changes to get old tank out new tank in. I will need to put old tank water into some kind of containers first?
You could because that’s what I did. I had a spare tank and I put some water and my fish in it as a holder then moved my tank and all fish did well and are still alive. I would recommend keeping the water from the old tank as it already has some beneficial bacteria.
Yes that's my plan to use the old tank water. I am just wondering how long I can let the water sit in the containers while I get everything else set up? My room temperature is 22 degrees
How do I add the water into the new tank without disturbing the tropica soil?
Hi, how long have I got between tank changes to get old tank out new tank in. I will need to put old tank water into some kind of containers first?

There is no benefit in using the "old" water in the new tank, except if the parameters are way out [this should not be the case]. There is benefit however in siphoning out (from near the top) water from the existing tank to use in the temporary tank, and netting the fish into this, along with decor, plants. But when the new tank is in place, half fill it, arrange the decor/plants, drain the water down to the substrate, then fill using the bowl method already mentioned to avoid stirring up the substrate. If the parameters (GH, pH and temperature) between the new tank (fresh) water and the existing water in the temporary tank are reasonably close, net the fish over.
Bacteria (the good kind) lives in the filter and on surfaces, but not in the water. When I did this I set up the new tank with fresh water and substrate and let it run to get the temp right. Then on moving day I just moved the fish and filter to the new tank.

No time pressure at all that way and no need to cycle.
Byron beat me to it.... there's little benefit in re-using old (polluted) aquarium water in a new tank. As mentioned, beneficial bacteria lives in filter media and hardscape, especially the substrate, and not in the water column. Make sure you fish have sufficient air and temp while you setup the new system.
When I switched tanks, I put everything into buckets and put sponge filter with fish in one bucket (an airstone would work too)

I re used enough water that once I had things mostly set up, I added enough "old water" and the fish so the fish could swim and then started to re-fill. In the end its pretty much a large water change.

The absolute most important thing you'll want to do is keep your filter media submerged in tank water.
I was planning to get three storage containers from b and m get all the water into them with plants in one fish in other and rocks in another. Old tank out new one in. Water into new tank, fish into tank, old filter into new tank for 24 hours plants and rocks in. Then after 24 hours get the external filter going.
You can do it that way, but I'd do it all in one day. I've had to do this a few times and always did it in one shot.
I never swapped a tank before, but I moved one about a mile in distance and had it all done in about 1 hour 15 mins

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