Freccle, Please don't get carried away with the cleaning.
Using any chemicals to clean a tank is always a risk. I follow your thinking about using bleach and then delcorinator, (Bleach is chlorine, guys.) but I don't think it is a good idea since a tank that size is big enough to be hard to rinse. I've been told never to use bleach anywhere near my aquariums, but I do use it to clean filter boxes and other small, easily handled items. These I rinse very well, let air dry and then rinse very well again.
And I would avoid using vinegar on the inside of the tank, too. It could affect the ph of the water since it is acidic. What I use to clean tanks is ordinary uniodized table salt. It is a mild abrasive and unless you really have reason to believe that the tank is infected, it will suffice. If there is a bit of salt residue left after rinsing, at least it will do no harm to the fish.
But, right now, before you do anything else, start thinking about cycling the tank. I suggest you get your gravel, wash some of it, and put a bit in your small tank so that it will get coated with the good bacteria. Ditto any plants you plan to put in. Since you already have a good tank going you can make the transition easily with just a little advance preparation.
Good luck! Your fish will be so happy!!!