To keep it simple the biofilm is like a coating of bacteria, algae, and sometimes protozoans that tends to eventually coat everything in the tank. A number of fish, and other creatures depend on this film for a portion of their diet. Otos are one of these fish.
In regards to the substrate changes, I was assuming the fish would be removed from the tank and placed in buckets. I also cover the buckets so that they are darker, reduces the stress on the fish. My process is as follows (assuming sand pre-rinsed):
1. Remove fish and plants and decorations to buckets or another tank if you have one. (do not clean the decorations or rocks at this time)
2. Turn off filter (Do not clean)
3. Drain as much water, and waste as possible.
4. Remove all the gravel
5. Remove remaining water
6. Place sand, decorations, and plants in tank
7. Treat and fill tank with water
8. Run filter for a day
9. About 24 hours later rinse out filter (In my experience a freshly rinsed filter doesn't do as good of a job removing dust from the new sand and gravel)
After removing the fish I try to work as fast as I can to get to where you put the fish back in. You will have some biofilm on the plants and decorations, but with 5 otos I don't know if that will be enough. Because you need the biofilm I wouldn't wash any of the decorations. Any ammonia associated with the gravel will be removed with the original water.