Changing My Tanks


Fish Crazy
Nov 13, 2003
Reaction score
Belleville NJ
OK, Some of my tanks are overcrowded and some cloudy and some fish not getting along. I am getting a new 20 Gallon tank and here is what i Plan to do.

55 Gallon
2 Channel Cats
2 Plecos
1 Clown Loach
3 Convict Cichlids
(Emperor 400, and AquaClear 300)

30 Gallon
1 Male Blue Gourami
1 Male Gold Gourami
1 Female Opaline Gourami
1 Angelfish
2 Pictus Cats
1 Pleco
(Bio-Wheel 330)

20 Gallon
4 Tiger Barbs
1 Male Blue Gourami
1 Kissing Gourami
3 Neon Tetras
1 Mouse Platy
1 Swordtail
(AquaClear 200)

30 Gallon Salt
Left The Same
(2 AquaClear 300's, and Fluval 204)

10 Gallon Hex
Many Neon Tetras
(AquaClear 150)

10 Gallon
3 Male Bettas (Seperated, of course)
(Bio-Wheel Mini, and Bio-Wheel 125)

10 Gallon Newt Tank
Left The same
(AquaClear Mini)

What do you guys think????
I think you have a lot of tanks. :D Nothing grabs me as problems, you know your fish better then I do. Give it a try and adjust if you need to.

I agree with jeef.

Other than that, sounds good to me! :D

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