Changing My Tank W/pics...lots


Dec 16, 2008
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Hi all, thought I would document the changes I made to my tank just recently and got a couple of pictures along the way :)

My current stocklist consists of 1 Pearl gourami which happens to be my last remaining original fish from my 4 years in this game! 5 Red eye Tetras, 4 Colombian Tetra's, 7 Denisoni/Red Line Torpedo Barbs, a bunch of about 12 Cory's, 11 Adult L134 Peckolita's, 2 Juvi L134, 5 l270 Juvi's and 4 Zebra Loach.

All of the fish have lived happily in harmony for months and me being like everyone else who keeps fish, I just could resist playing about and changing the layout!! :unsure:

This is what my tank originally looked like before anything was done.


I thought people maybe wondering how big my tank is with all them fish, well it is only a bow front 350 litre Rena, but running an XP2 and an XP3 alongside one another it does the job as none are particularly huge waste producers.

I was in a local LFS and decided I WANT THESE!

Oh yeah, while im here, these too!


I got the clump of moss to the middle left, and the anubias nana at the front too. I started to attach pieces of my java fern along with the anubias at intervals along the wood before placing them into the tank :)

So then after pulling out pretty much all of the original items in the tank, along with a few fish to make things easier, I then faced the joy of trying to force these two huge pieces of wood between the two glass brace bars..... this got annoying aswell as worrying the amount of times I flexed the wood hearing tiny cracking noises. Expecting them to explode into bits I was surprised to eventually get them in.

Oh I happend to make a mess whilst doing so and ended up with this, along with a wet floor and gravel all over the carpet!


But alas, after spending literally the best part of 4 hours doing this.... Yes, I know HOW! but I just did ok :fun:

This is the new finished article! My camera taking skills are questionable but as for tank layout skills I happily awarded myself a kind 10/10 mainly for effort!


whadya think! :unsure:

Looks great, love the wood
The only thing I would change is that square slate cave.
I'd change it for something more natural looking
I agree, it looks great and natural. Simply stunning. The cave takes away from the look. Other than that, it is GORGEOUS!
I'd like to know how that wood does long term.I believe It's grapewood everyone has told me will just rot away in an aquarium. But if it works out for you I'm going to grab a bunch of it!

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