Changing My Tank To Have A Sump!

mbu man

Fish Fanatic
Nov 15, 2005
Reaction score
how do i go about changing my tank to a sump?
its a 4ftx20inchesx2ft (width,depth,height)
pump sizes? sump sizes?
any help would be superb!
overflow box, unless you want to put the livestock somewhere else while you drill the display tank.
right e o, is their any info on here about what size etc the over flow box should be?
It depends on what size sump you have.

In general the bigger the sump the better (dont think there is any arguement for being too big).
The general rule of thumb is to have the contents of your display tank to run through your sump around 3-5 times per hour.

So you tank is 370l you want an overflow box that will handle around 1500-2000lph
You will then need to get a return pump that matches the overflow rate. This is not as simple as just getting a 2000lph pump though. Because of "head loss" a 2000lph pump will not be able to pdo 2000lph if it has to do it up a 5ft tube and the flow rate will drop.

IE A 2000lph pump pumping water up 1ft of tubing might then have a flow rate of 1800lph but if it then has to pump it up 5ft of tubing it could drop down to around 1000lph.

You need to check the head loss on the pump and get one that matches your overflow box for the height of the return pipe. Normally on the side of of the box it will tell you the flow rate at different head heights.

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