Changing my Cichlid tank


Especially African Cichlids
Nov 25, 2003
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Somewhere in Wisconsin
I will be changing the gravel in my c tank to sand for Cichlids and wanted to get some nice rockwork going on. Anyway I was wondering where u guys get your rock. Do you get it from like one of those places that sells rock for landscaping or what. THX in advance. :D
I got some nice looking flat rocks for making caves with from my lfs. They sell them for 29 cents/pound. Some of the larger round rocks we got from the river. I'm thinking about putting sand in my cichlid tank also. I think it looks much better than the gravel.
I think the owner of my lfs gets his flat rocks at the river but the good flat ones are hard to find. We went to the river about a month ago and looked for almost 2 hours for some flat ones and only found one :/ . All together I think I spent about $7-8 at the lfs for the flat ones and it was well worth it. They look really nice.

I'm in Arkansas and we had spring weather the past couple of days. Sure does feel good after a long winter!
I get my rock from the landscaping places you were referring to. Very cheap, lots of choice. I just give them a good rinse under hot water because I have so many, but boiling is recommended.
I also rinsed all of my rocks in hot water and got all of the dirt off of them until the water ran clear. I found some algae on a couple of them :no: and used a new hard bristled toothbrush to clean it all off with.

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