Changing Meds


New Member
Apr 7, 2007
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Sorry, I'm still struggling with my fish.....

The fungus is better, but my blue gouramie now has an ulcer. Is it ok to change from one type of meds to another, in the same tank? Some one told me this can interact and kill all my fish? Now I'm to afraid to do so?

Onother question: My Nitrite is 0, but my Nitrate is high? Do I need to worry about high Nitrate levels if my Nitrite is 0?

Thanx again :blush:
Run some black carbon for a day then go in with the bacterial med.
Do a water change before you add the carbon.
How high is the nitrate reading.
Also do a water change before you add the med.
You can do a water change then add carbon to get the old medicine out. Then you can add your new medicine as soon as the old medicine has been cleared out of the tank. Also do a water change to help bring nitrates down, depending on how high they are.

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