Changing Lights In A Non-planted Tank


Fish Addict
Aug 30, 2004
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Michigan - The Great Lake State
How often should you change a fluorescent light in a non-planted tank? Is it done as frequent in a fish only environment? How much of a factor is the age of the light if used less then average per day?
How often should you change a fluorescent light in a non-planted tank? Is it done as frequent in a fish only environment? How much of a factor is the age of the light if used less then average per day?

In my experience, when the light level drops to a certain point, conditions that are favorable for brown algae/diatoms will exist. In other words, if you see brown stuff covering your substrate and decorations, you will know it is time to change bulbs. But, that is not to say that you are guaranteed to see brown algae if you don't change the bulbs. I think most people recommend chaning them every 12 months, regardless.
I change whenever the the bulb blows. Algae, shmalgae- you can wipe diatoms off easily enough if you're particularly bothered.
I change whenever the the bulb blows. Algae, shmalgae- you can wipe diatoms off easily enough if you're particularly bothered.
No, you can't just wipe them off because they cover every surface in the aquarium, not just the aquarium walls! Obviously, you haven't ever had are lucky.
I repeat the algae shmalgae comment :p You can wipe it off most things, but above all, diatoms need more than light to survive, so sort what's feeding that many and you should be fine.
MOST flourescents will still be around 70% of maximal light delivering capacity at 3000-5000 hours depending on the quality of the bulb. Take that for what its worth ;)

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