changing fish tank stocking


Fish Fanatic
May 9, 2022
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hey, so I've decided to change up the stocking in my tanks a bit... Just wanting opinions on if people think the new stocking will work in each tank and recommendations on what other fish to add.

general information about the tanks:
all are planted to some degree and as I can afford more plants and trim plants I am slowly working towards all being heavily planted.
ph is around 8.0 in all tanks although I am looking into ways to have them all sit at 7.5.
temp is at 25 or 26 Celsius in all tanks.

main changes I want to do are with my 210 litre (55 gallon) tank.
also completely changing my 75 litre (20 gallon) tank but those changes aren't too big so I'll go through those first.
also, when I say main tank I'm referring to the 210 litre tank.

75 litre tank. current stocking is a pair of albino kribensis and their 3 day old wrigglers.
Once babies are a month old I plan on selling the parents and babies together.
What I'm wanting to put in instead:
- 17 adult guppies and a few of their babies from the main tank.
- a pair of Apistogramma, unsure on what type but the local aquarium shop has 14 different ones. will have to do some more in depth research on the different ones.

then the next most simple tank is 54 litres.
I'll rehome all the fish I'm currently quarantining in there (were randomly given to me)
I want this to be for my female betta (currently living in the main tank). she's super chill with other fish so I'm wanting to give her some tank mates. no idea what's small enough to go in that tank though. she thinks baby shrimp make good snacks so I don't want to put them in with her like I have with my male.
I'm thinking I could get some more pygmy corys to put in with her. not sure what other fish are small though. maybe ember tetras?

I'm happy with how the 40 litre (10 gallon) tank my male betta is in is stocked.

and I plan on setting up my 5 20litre (5 gallon) tanks and putting shrimp in 2 and not sure what to put in the other 3. any fish other than shrimp and fighting fish that can go in a 20 litre tank? if not I'll probably just put cull shrimp in one and bettas in the other 2.

now the main tank. 210 litres.
Current stocking:
- 20-30 guppies including babies (will go to the 75 litre tank)
- 6 kribenis (will sell)
- 6 angelfish (3 pending pickup and 3 still to sell)
- 5 bristlenose (2 pending pickup, will keep 3)
- 18 neon tetras (all pending pickup)
- 6 pygmy corys (will add another 6)
- 11 bronze/albino corys (6 pending pickup, will sell all of them)
- 8 peppered corys (will sell all of them)
- 1 otocinclus (will bring that up to 6)
- 1 sterbai cory (will bring that up to 10)
- many mystery snails (will go down to 1)
- 1 female betta (will go to 54 litre tank)
- 8 kuhli loaches

fish that will be left in tank/added of the same species:
- 3 bristlenose
- 12 pygmy corys
- 6 otocinclus
- 10 sterbai corys
- 1 mystery snail
- 8 kuhli loaches

Fish I want to look into to possibly add:
- dwarf gourami pair
- borneo suckers
- some Clown Panchax Killiefish
- dwarf chain loaches
- ocelot tiger gobies
- celebes rainbowfish
- Maculata Dwarf Red Rasboras
- Hengeli Rasboras
- ember tetras

those fish are all ones on the local aquarium shops website that I like the look of. will probably look for a goby forum to ask about them and their requirements.
also even if all of those fish could work I obviously wouldn't get all of them because I wouldn't want to over crowd the tank.

would appreciate some more ideas for centre piece fish.
also all fish would be quarantined in the 20 litre tanks.

anyway, mostly looking for recommendations on what to put with my female betta and what to add to my main tank after I sell a lot of the fish.

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