Changing filters


New Member
Sep 3, 2023
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Dear All,

Have just changed tanks (my old one 70 litre one was leaking so was done in a hurry). I have set up a new 125 litre tank. It’s got the old fluval 106 filter on it but I have got a 307 that I would like to use. Just wondering how I can go about changing the filters. How long do I need to run the old filter for? I know I need to put the old media in the new filter but do I top it up with new media?
Thank you!

Photo attached for reference - the pipes were too short on the old filter so had to improvise!


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Hello. You're a pretty handy lady. Looks like everything is working fine. I wouldn't change a thing.

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You don't need a bigger filter on the tank. You don't have enough fish or big fish in the tank to warrant a bigger filter.

If you really want to change the filter, just take the old filter media from the current filter and put it in the new filter. Top up with new media and turn it on.
As Colin says, just switch off, transfer the media to the new filter, and switch it on. You can add more media now or later.
Hello again. Or, if you prefer to keep a tank with no filtration, simply keep an air stone going for looks and just remove and replace half or more of the tank water twice weekly.

I keep a 300 gallon tank with no filters and just have a heavy duty aerator going and change most of the tank water every few days. Of course where I live, water costs next to nothing.

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