Changing Filter

furry catfish

May 9, 2009
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Hi all :good: I have an elite stingray in my tank and i hate it.I really want to change it but that would kill off alot of bacteria and I really dont want a mini cycle in my tank.Could I bury the media in the sustrate whle the other filter is cycling to prevent this? because I can't put the media in the other filter because they are two ompletly different shapes.


chris :hyper:
my advice would be to buy a fluval U series filter, remove the carbon pads and replace them with sponges out of the Stingray.
:blink: I can't believe i didn't think of that *slaps head* thanks dan,and ian for the filter idea,my friend has that one bbut he forgot the name so ive been looking for it.
Anytime, i have a fluval u2 for my goldfish, does the job great. Sometimes needs a bang or 2 to get back going after water change though.
I found a problem -_- my current filter has killed 6 of my fish because they get stuck behind the filter,in between th glass and the back of the filter.And the fluval,whie effective,has another gap.Are there any filters that you know doesn't have the gap?
an external wont have a gap and if you get one of them things that goes at the bottom of the intake pipe with small enough slits you shouldnt have any fish sucked in. you can just take the media out of the old filter and put it into the new on you dont have to run them both.
i don't think I can afford an eternal filter at the moment,and I really want to get rid of that filter soon before it gets anoter fish :crazy: I found this 1 that dosn't have a gap at all,is it a good filter though?filter
I have this filter and find it to be no problem at all, although i'm sure there are others that don't like it. There is a gap at the back but i have had no problems with fish getting stuck either round the back or on the bottom where the water is sucked in.

However, take a look on ebay and you can get a Fluval U2 which is more efficient (allowing better filtration) for the same money, I'm pretty sure if we had a poll that most people would opt for the fluval.

Here is an external link the the Fluval U2 on ebay

Happy shopping,

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Haha. Do you mean they are swimming behind where the water comes out and are dying? If so, that would be your fish, not the filter. What size tank? What's in it? How long has it been set up? I would get an AquaClear. Fantastic filters.
Haha. Do you mean they are swimming behind where the water comes out and are dying? If so, that would be your fish, not the filter. What size tank? What's in it? How long has it been set up? I would get an AquaClear. Fantastic filters.
They swim behind the filter body and get stuck then die,and I think it is the fish.They are harlequin rasbora and they are the only ones out of my whole stock(1 guppy 5 amano shrimp)to go behind the filter.The tankis 65 liters and has been set up for around 7 months

if not couldnt you just stuff some filter media down the back of the filter?
believe me I have tried but they get in anyway :blink:
Try a power filter, they aren't that expensive and there's nothing but an intake pipe actually in the tank, and the pipe has a cover on it so it won't suck your fish up. Plus they usually have a large open space for plenty of media, and some even have a biowheel.
i have the u2 and 1 of my chinese sucking loaches is behind it 24/7. I just need to be careful that hese not in the bracket when i clip the filter back on after giving it a clean.

Wont be the filter thats the problem. If the fish are letting the filter suck them in then there is something wrong with them.

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