Changing Filter


Fish Fanatic
Jan 10, 2006
Reaction score
North Carolina
How often should I change the filter in my tank? I have a whisper power filter on a 10 gallong tank. I've had my tank running since Jan. 9 doing a fishless cycle. Have only had fish in it for two weeks.

Hi. You shouldn't change it because if you do you will lose all the good bacteria that you've grown by doing the fishless cycle. The filter cartridge is the main place where the bacteria grow. If it gets really gunky you can swish it gently in some tank water but be careful not to clean it too much. If you really have to change it then it is best to use the new one alongside the old one for a week or two before throwing the old one out. That way the bacteria will have a chance to grow on the new one.
Hi. You shouldn't change it because if you do you will lose all the good bacteria that you've grown by doing the fishless cycle. The filter cartridge is the main place where the bacteria grow. If it gets really gunky you can swish it gently in some tank water but be careful not to clean it too much. If you really have to change it then it is best to use the new one alongside the old one for a week or two before throwing the old one out. That way the bacteria will have a chance to grow on the new one.

yep good advice. its also worth mentioning that a filter company will advise you replace filter sponges over a few months. but everyone soon learns that in fact they can last for years if you clean them every few months in old tank water.

hmm now why would a company advise you to keep buying the filter pads that they make?.... hmmmmm
:/ sorry don't mean to hijack but could anyone answer my query i have an external filter and am changing to an internal filter ( fed up of flooding floor everytime l clean filter) so what about my good bacteria in external filter? any help greatly appreciated :crazy:
How often should I change the filter in my tank? I have a whisper power filter on a 10 gallong tank. I've had my tank running since Jan. 9 doing a fishless cycle. Have only had fish in it for two weeks.


Rinse '1 half' of the filter foam media in 'tank water' when you do your weekly water change... as said above, the actual foams last ages... you don't need to change them as often as recommended by the manufacturer...
when people say wash the foam in tank water that doesnt mean wash it in the tank :D

take a bucket of water from the tank when you are doing a water change and rince the sponge in the bucket
never use tap water the chlorine kills the good stuff on the sponge

only clean the sponge and filter when the flow rate slows down as every time you clean the filter it takes a few days for the good stuff to regen

its always best to have 2 different filters running on the same tank so when you clean one the other one is still strong
:/ sorry don't mean to hijack but could anyone answer my query i have an external filter and am changing to an internal filter ( fed up of flooding floor everytime l clean filter) so what about my good bacteria in external filter? any help greatly appreciated :crazy:

If you're looking at getting some type of hang on tank filter then they usually have extra room in them where you could put some of your old filter material in with the new stuff in the new filter. You should be able to jam some floss or sponge material in there somewhere. If you can't do that, then just run the new filter and the old filter separately for a while (2 weeks or more). That should give the new one a chance to get some growing.

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