changing filter cartridge


New Member
Mar 6, 2004
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i need to change my filter cartridge soon and ive heard that you should do things with the new one so it gets the benifitial bacteria on it before you take out the old. what do i have to do to the new cartridge? i know ppl say just swish your old cartridge around in a bucket of the water which i have done ot get some of the junk off for awhile but its getting more and more clogged and the water is about to overflow over it.

I would put the new media in alongside the old for a while, depending on your filter it should be quite easy to do.

Otherwise it would be a case of you simply taking out all the beneficial bacteria which cn never be good.
Before putting in the new filter media, soak it in water that contains the old filter material. This should transfer at least some of the good bacteria to the new filter cartridge.

Hope this helps
i need to know if it's a carterage like a self contained thing that u just put into ur filter or is it actual media like a sponge.

good filters use individual media like floss and sponges so u can sut it up into halves and replace half at a time

bad ones are easy to replace but not good for fish. and lots more hassle if u wanna do it properly.
Just another point...

If your filter is getting so dirty that it can't even be cleaned (I never replace my fiter media) then perhaps you have too many fish, or need a better filter.

I always just change the cart on my emporer because I figure there is plenty of bacteria on my biowheel and in my substrate.

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