

Fish Aficionado
Sep 25, 2003
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After reading my post, please look at my thread and tell me if I should do this.

I want to get rid of the six platy juveniles in my 50. Then I want to move all of the fish from the 10 to the 50 and the frog to the 5 gallon. Then I want to add the male gourami with the female gourami in the 10, thus making it a breeding/ gourami tank.

If I go through with it, I can't provide adequate accomodations for the fry. If there are fry, I can remove the fish from the 5 and place them in there with a sponge filter. I can also put them in the betta hex and miscellaneous 1/4 or less gallon bowls.

Now, should I remove the gravel, or should I leave it and let some of the eggs get caught, thus reducing he number of fry I get?

Should I turn off the filter after adding the male? I'm not sure that I want him to breed yet, so could I leave it on or would it agitate him if he tried to build a bubble nest?
What would I replace the power filter with?

More questions, but this is enough for now. :D

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