Change In Tank

love cichlids

Fish Crazy
Jan 23, 2005
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I moved mky male krib into my 30 gallon with my female bettas. If it works out I will keep him and not take him back to the petstore and buy another male for the female in the 45 gallon. If you read this post you will know why

I have only been watching him for a few minutes and he is already happy. He is swimming around the tack checking out his tankmates, when he gets close to a betta they take off and he found the coconut cave in there quite quickly and went right in. He will have his own tank where he is not stuck in a corner or constantly being chased away at feeding time from the female.
Things are going very well, the male is liking his new home. He has 3 different type caves to hide in one coconut, an ornament and a little flower pot broke in half. The bettas were chaecking him out for awhile and he would just move and they would take off quite fast. When the bettas went into one of the caves when he wasn't in there he would go inside the cave and they would get out fast. He has his color back, he was always pale in the tank where the female was because of stress. I fed him a little while after I put him in there and he ate well. So he was hungry, he was getting very little with the female wanting all the food.

:good: I am very glad that I moved him, best thing for him and I don't have to worry about him being stressed out any more he has moved into his own territory now.

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