Change in tank dynamics


Supporting Member
Pet of the Month 🎖️
Dec 31, 2022
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
My live bearer tank is producing too many dwarf platy fry. So I removed most of the females shy for one. They will be given to my lfs. So there are only 4 platy in the tank when there had been 9. The other tank mates are a pair of golden sailfin Molly and 7 yellow Tiger endlers. The nine platy use to rule the tank. Now that their numbers dwindled the endlers are king. The four platy are hiding from their new bosses. Come out come out where ever you are.
It always goes that way in the community aquarium . Change the numbers or add new fish and the turf wars start . And that brings me once again to my preference for species only aquariums . When you only have one species in an aquarium they show their natural behavior and they settle down and are more fun to watch but that’s just me .

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