A True Oddball
I have two chain loaches, they are about the same length, yet one is very slim, and IMO loach like. It looks like many of the pics on the net of chain loachs, with the black bar running down the flanks. and the chain pattern above the line.
My Other Chain loach has become very plump, and has developed link line under the balck bar as well.
'She' has become wider in the mid section, as you can see from the pics below.
The female has taken to hiding under a peice of bogwood (well had until I moved it to catch her to photograph)
While the male sat on the top and chased every other fish away from her, even the Plecs.
even though I have moved the wood and it is not in the same position as it was before the 'male' is still defending the area.
Any views on this at all?
here is a pic of the male and female together
*edit: added male-female image
I have two chain loaches, they are about the same length, yet one is very slim, and IMO loach like. It looks like many of the pics on the net of chain loachs, with the black bar running down the flanks. and the chain pattern above the line.
My Other Chain loach has become very plump, and has developed link line under the balck bar as well.
'She' has become wider in the mid section, as you can see from the pics below.

The female has taken to hiding under a peice of bogwood (well had until I moved it to catch her to photograph)
While the male sat on the top and chased every other fish away from her, even the Plecs.
even though I have moved the wood and it is not in the same position as it was before the 'male' is still defending the area.
Any views on this at all?
here is a pic of the male and female together

*edit: added male-female image