Chaeto Macro


Crazy Crab Lady
Staff member
Global Moderator ⚒️
Jul 23, 2004
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Northeastern USA
Hope I spelled Chaeto right...anyway the LFS has some in, but they have it in an algae-only tank, which is fairly unusual for that place. Does that mean it's a tastey snack to herbivores? Also, can it compete with other strong species like Caulerpa for nutrients?

My Caulerpa is growing well, but the nutrient output is still pretty low since the tank is invert-only. I'd like to diversify macro species a bit (might need to trim some Caulerpa to do it) but not if it will result in one being rapidly out-competed...I wouldn't mind if the other macro got snacked on so long as it didn't get destroyed overnight.
Chaeto, under good lighting, grows rapidly. Most keep it separate from the main tank as almost any macro can over run it. I keep mine in a fuge behind the main aquarium. SH
Cool. Sounds like it will work out then. My system is not going to be prone to bad macro take-overs because of the beasties in there (they eat portions of the Caulerpa), and the nutrients are limited since it's still invert-only.

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