Centropyge And Coral


a "fish hater"
Sep 19, 2005
Reaction score
Northern BC, Canada
Hi, I ordered a yellow centropyge angel and a bicolor centropyge from my LFS. The yellow came in on tuesday, and is eating fairly well. On liveaquaria, it is said that they will nibble corals. But in this book i have, it says they are completely reef-safe. My yellow is doing well, and nibbling algae, but not corals so far. Do these animals eat zooanthids and others? Or are they peaceable enugh to avoid them?
Hi, I ordered a yellow centropyge angel and a bicolor centropyge from my LFS. The yellow came in on tuesday, and is eating fairly well. On liveaquaria, it is said that they will nibble corals. But in this book i have, it says they are completely reef-safe. My yellow is doing well, and nibbling algae, but not corals so far. Do these animals eat zooanthids and others? Or are they peaceable enugh to avoid them?

Basically Angels in reef tanks must be watched closely. If they are introduced in their juvenile stages they you will have a better chance that they will not nibble on corals, because then you know that chances are better that they have not developed a taste for corals yet. Make sure you keep your angels fat and happy, or you may find that they will want to nibble.
If we are talking Lemonpeel angels then all the instances i have found with them are completel nightmares in reef tanks. :-( My own experience and many other reefers have troule with lemonpeels munching corals whilst other members of the family will leave them untouched.

You might be lucky as mentioned above however, they are beautiful angels but i have had my fingers burnt with them and wont get another :(
If we are talking Lemonpeel angels then all the instances i have found with them are completel nightmares in reef tanks. :-( My own experience and many other reefers have troule with lemonpeels munching corals whilst other members of the family will leave them untouched.

You might be lucky as mentioned above however, they are beautiful angels but i have had my fingers burnt with them and wont get another :(

Same here

All my experiences with Lemon's have ended up being a disater with my Corals getting constantly harrased, me getting uptight with the Lemon & trying go get rid of it & the Lemon getting stress with me trying to catch it

Beautiful fish but IMO not worht the risk
Mine is actually a yellow centropyge, it mimickes the lemonpeel, but is smaller and more docile. So other members of this genus will not nibble coral? I planned to keep mine pretty fat from the getgo, and is snacking continuosly on algae. But not the coral, thank god :)

My cousin once placed a juvinile koran in a 33 gallon reef. He soon found out that the minimun is 100 gallons, and that they eat inverts. He kept his with a feather duster and some other inverts like shrimp. It died a while later. It did not kill any inverts, and it ate flakes. These animals are stunning, not to mention full of personality, and I was wondering what experience people have had with them.

If the angel has blue around theeyes or gills then is a Centropyge flavissimus. (Lemonpeel)

If it has no blue then its a Centropyge Heraldi (Heraldi Angel)

It might be a local name for your fish but there is no angel called "Yellow Centropyge".

Both grow to the same size and neithe are considere ay more aggressive nor mild than the other.

Never kept a Heraldi myself but i would imagine their requirements are the same as a Plemonpeel. Cant vouche for their reef satey though.

As for the Koran, I had a juvenile in 100 gallon and even this was too small for the fish. I eventually rehoused it in a 500 Gallon system.

They are hard as nails and show great character. Whilst it was completely safe with all my corals and inverts it did have a liking for Zoos and these suffered when he was in my system.


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Yeah, mine is a heraldi. On liveaquaria they are listed as a yellow angel, though :/ God I hate common names. On the order list at my LFS they only have the common names, so most of the time I cannot figure out what the hell they are listing.
It seems to be pretty reef safe, it eats caulerpa but never touches zoos or others. Only time will tell. I hope i can sell the poor guy if the answer I get is one i dont want...... :sad:

P.S., on the suppliers list, they list sebae clowns as african clowns, and I have never heard of that name. I guess they are just a bunch of screwballs down there!

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