Centralised Uv Sterilisation?

Richie Hell

Fish Fanatic
Aug 30, 2006
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I have 3 tanks, one 20 litre, one 54 litre, and one 70 litre. I'm thinking of adding a UV steriliser, but obviously it would be a waste buying 3. Is there a way I can connect it up so all 3 tanks run through one steriliser?

Like, I have an air pump powering 2 tanks, using a t-shaped splitter, is there a similiar thing that can be done with the water pipe?

I was thinking of powering it either with an external pump, or using an external filter and having centralsied filtration, allowing me to remove all the internal filters.
if you have all three tanks running on 1 external filter of to a sump then you can have them running on 1 providing its a big enough model to clear that amount of water.

[edit] for spelling
So I'd have to run them all through a sump? I'll look up how that works.
You will also need to be careful with water level. You will probably want weirs overflowing into a combined sump with a pump returning to all tanks via a gang valve.

Unless you have a really good reason, UV is not necessary on F/W tanks.

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