Central Bearded Dragons


New Member
Jul 29, 2009
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Recently new here and i'm slowly introducing all of my babies - Not just the fish.

I've been a keeper of reptiles for a long time now and beardies have always been on top in the lizard category.
They are great animals though i would'nt exactly call them low maintenance.

This is Chibi - My eldest.


Bean - Another female.


Bowser - My youngest.


And Kibbles. She's gone of only a few weeks ago. She was a two year old female and ever since she was about one had a mystery tumour growing on the top of her eye. I had to make the decision to have her put down, very very sadly.


Rip lady.

One good thing did come of it though - It enabled me to take a rescued beardie and give him a home. I assume he's about a year, perhaps a bit older. He is very skinny and obviously hasn't been handled a whole lot due to his temper but he is slowly coming around.

He was dropped off at a petstore and they were told by the woman who dropped him off that he was her sons and that she has been looking after him and she didn't really know how.

When i got him his feet were black with fecal matter. Took about five baths to get only some of it off.

But he (who i am now calling Little Jerry) is in a good place now.
I will take some pictures when he's settled in a bit more.
One of their habitat (changed slightly since the photo). I will have to take some more to update.

yeah that will be cool mate i used to keep skinks/ghecko's and some other small lizards when i was younger and a garter snake but thats it with the reptiles but i have been looking into getting a bearded dragon or a panther chameleon for about a year would love one of these
yeah that will be cool mate i used to keep skinks/ghecko's and some other small lizards when i was younger and a garter snake but thats it with the reptiles but i have been looking into getting a bearded dragon or a panther chameleon for about a year would love one of these

I'm in australia so only permitted to keep australian species (with good reason to protect our natives) so i don't know much about the care of chameleons - They are cute though.

Beardies make great pets but i find there is a bit of a misconception that they are easy or good beginner reptiles.
I'm also a chondropython or green tree python keeper and they are supposedly not for beginners but the beardies are alot more work than they are.

Do lots of research and i assure you a friend for life.
yeah that will be cool mate i used to keep skinks/ghecko's and some other small lizards when i was younger and a garter snake but thats it with the reptiles but i have been looking into getting a bearded dragon or a panther chameleon for about a year would love one of these

I'm in australia so only permitted to keep australian species (with good reason to protect our natives) so i don't know much about the care of chameleons - They are cute though.

Beardies make great pets but i find there is a bit of a misconception that they are easy or good beginner reptiles.
I'm also a chondropython or green tree python keeper and they are supposedly not for beginners but the beardies are alot more work than they are.

Do lots of research and i assure you a friend for life.
are they your bettas in your sig?
Also, what camera do you use/settings, they're amazing quality pics
Cool pictures. I've always liked reptiles, but never really kept any of my own. I took care of a king snake for a little while though, I liked her.
Awwh :wub: you gotta love them. My friend has one called spike; he was about the size of Bowser or perhaps smaller! but it's only about a month and a half later and he's so big now! they grow so quickly ahaha. I was scared to hold it because i thought it'd run away but i was surprised at how much they like being handled (however i wasn't too impressed with the awful smelling present it left on my hand ;) ) then again, it hasn't put me off them. lovely pets :D all the best :)

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