I appreciate Fish Profiles trying to help us aquarists out and putting a lot of time and effort to make a list of compatible cichlids for aquaria, and there are so many different temperaments of each fish within each given species that act more or less aggro, but there is no way that a P. motaguensis or a P. managuensis can live with a Cichlasoma meeki without killing him unless it's in a tank over 150g and they don't see him.
I hate to go against what a whole site that is well established on the internet says, but I just don't see it ever happening. I understand if you all believe FP before me tho. I'm just one person, but I hope you believe me and understand that I'm saying it can never ever happen.
When juvies, the meeki might be able to bluff his way through and get by, but after 6" a mota and mananguense will catch on and once adult, neither will care and take him out, period. motas and jags are a couple of the baddest midsize fish there are, and no community fish can ever live with them. All fish will be killed or eaten by these brutes in time. We're talking guapotes here. Their as bad (or good, depends on how you look at it) as it gets.
I've had hundreds of each of these 3 fish and never has an adult mota or jag ever let a FM back them down once they are adults.
I know it's hard to take my word against website, but please do in this case. They are just wrong.
Jesse, what type of cichlids are you wanting to have? There are many peaceful cichlids available for a 29g, but not many tankbusters. I would put a meeki in the community class before I would the aggro class, so you're on the right track if you want peaceful cichlids, but before I give a recommendation, I have to know what type of fish you want.