I love the centipede but the spider is too small for my taste... I like gooty sapphires and earth tigers and stuff that's big like that.
Got some pictures of my top 5 spiders.
At number 5...... The Earth Tiger! A highly aggressive large tarantula that will not tolerate you approaching it.
At number 4...... The Blue Beauty! A large and stocky tarantula found in Chile, it has unusual fluffy silver hairs in it's carapace.
At number 3...... The Emerald Skeleton! A small-ish tarantula reaching onlt 4", leg to leg, that attempts to hide from danger. That failing it attempts to bite the danger.
At number 2...... The Blue Fang! An exciting species of the Ephebopus genus in the subfamily of Aviculariinae. Their natural habitat is in deep underground burrows that are often constructed with fallen flora and supported by a thick layer of silk spun out to the entrance.
And at number 1...... The Gooty Sapphire! A striking arboreal tarantula from India.