Celestial Pearl Danios/galaxy Rasboras


Fish Crazy
Jan 3, 2009
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I've read somewhere on the internet/forums (don't remember where!) about these fish that are fairly new to the hobby and been reclassified.

The article was saying what a beatiful coloured fish they were etc and a great choice for a beginner...if you could find them as they are very rare?

I've read up on them in books and must say they look impressive.I was therefore thinking of adding them to my ever changing list of possible tankmates lol

Well i've found an aquatic shop that has them...................but on asking them they suggest a very bad choice for a beginner as they are not easy to keep as they are so small that over faster moving/eating fish nab all their food and that they are best kept in a tank with other small/slower moving species only.

Just wanted to check on here if anyone else has any experience as i dont want to be ruling them out all together on the say so of one LFS when I know from reading on here that quite often LFS give poor/wrong advice.

I've read somewhere on the internet/forums (don't remember where!) about these fish that are fairly new to the hobby and been reclassified.

The article was saying what a beatiful coloured fish they were etc and a great choice for a beginner...if you could find them as they are very rare?

I've read up on them in books and must say they look impressive.I was therefore thinking of adding them to my ever changing list of possible tankmates lol

Well i've found an aquatic shop that has them...................but on asking them they suggest a very bad choice for a beginner as they are not easy to keep as they are so small that over faster moving/eating fish nab all their food and that they are best kept in a tank with other small/slower moving species only.

Just wanted to check on here if anyone else has any experience as i dont want to be ruling them out all together on the say so of one LFS when I know from reading on here that quite often LFS give poor/wrong advice.

hi there,

are u new to keeping fish? have u bred fish before?

they use to be called galaxy rasboras ,Microrasbora sp. 'Galaxy'

and are now called

Celestial Pearl Danio, Danio margaritatus

this fish i suggest to keep on a tank of their own and they need to be in a good group of them as they are extremely timid.

how much is lfs selling them for

i would suggest if u really want to get these i wud sugges trying to breed them to help reproduce stock

any other questions dont hesitate to ask
I have a shoal of 24 Danio margaritatus bought from the lfs to restock my planted aquarium. Whilst looking to get these, I found a wide range of prices from £2.50 each to £7! I made sure that the ones I got were tank bred rather than wild and would suggest that's what people do.

They should really be kept in a heavily planted tank so they have places to hide. They have been in my tank for about 3-4 weeks now but they are just starting to come out more often. I wouldn't say they're fish that have special needs as they're rather easy once they're in there, but you need to make sure that your tank is suitable.

They are great little fish but wouldn't advise keeping them with anything larger than themselves. They happily mix with my harlequin rasboras, Ottos and Pencilfish.

I have recently setup a breeding tank for them after understanding their status in the wild and how beautiful they are. Hopefully, I'll have some fry in the not too distant future.
I had 5 of these in a 10 gallon heavily planted tank on their own for a while and never saw them! They are stunning fish but exceptionally timid. Only came out at feeding time then hid all day at the back of the tank again. However, since adding 5 endlers who are out the front all the time, they are much more confident. Out a lot more during the day, but not as much as many other tropicals.

Brilliant little fish! I have a group of 7 in with 5 sidthimunki, 6 praecox rainbows, a siamese fighter and a gold nugget. My males are colouring up nicely and are very entertaining... I will be setting up a species only tank soon in the hopes of breeding them.

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