Like all Rainbows, Marosatherina ladigesi is a shoaling species and should be kept in groups of at least 4 and ideally more fish. Shoaling fish kept singly or in small groups often show atypical behaviour and are stressed.
It is an attractive, easy to keep, easy to feed peaceful fish. Grows up to 70-80mm given adequate conditions. Does not tolerate pollution, therefore good water quality and regular changes are required. They like some plant cover and are prone to hide if there is not enough, in well planted tanks with a lot of cover, they feel safe and swim in open water.
They are quite easy to breed, but the eggs take longer then many egglayers to hatch, a week or more sometimes. The fry are small and require small food as a result. I found, in common with other Rainbows I've bred, that the fry seem to "stick" for a while at about 15mm, I don't know why this happens, but it is quite apparent.