Celebes halfbeak


Fish Connoisseur
Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
Long island, New York
But most of the people in their only like the common things (guppies mollies, platys etc) So, if I find some, could I put them into my 30g with the firemouths and the rainbow? This tank has ich, but when it is gone it will have 2 firemouths, a male rainbow cichlid, a clown pleco, some large schooling species (congo tetras or giant danios) and of course the possible halfbeak. Anything I need to know, besides the fact that they are FW and get 4 inches long?
They are top feeders and very voulnerable to piscavores who lurk beneath them. they starle easily and Can break there Beak on the glass and that will kill them.

Did I mention that they are top feeders. They Are such highly adapted top feeders that they NEED floating food. Also You dont have room for a large schooling species in that 30
Don't worry, I have floating food. I have an ABF, they need floating food too ;)
The tank plans were just plans, so maybe I won't get schoolers and just a couple halfbeaks :)
I've always heard to keep them with only the most docile of fish because they startle so easily.
My lfs has some white halfbeaks with pipe fish in a brackish tank. they also have one in a 100g brackish that they had for over 2 years now.
dwarfs said:
Don't worry, I have floating food. I have an ABF, they need floating food too ;)
The tank plans were just plans, so maybe I won't get schoolers and just a couple halfbeaks :)
ABF's dont take to kindly to other surface dwellers

never mind...just realised they'd be in a diff tank :p

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