
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Fish Fanatic
Apr 7, 2006
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hi there, anyone have any tips on how to make a good sized cave for my tank... my pleco would love a dark place to hide... lol/ thanks in advance
When I used to keep oune I had stacked rocks in my tank that he hid under all the time. Natural looking and dark :)
Tigerman thought of this one up:

Take a huge flat piece of slate, stick it at an angle on the substrate:

........... \
........... ....\
.............. .. ..\ <-----Slate
.................... ...\
.......................... ...\
.............................. ...\
.................................................................... <----Substrate

There is a dark part under the slate piece in which fish can hide, Tigerman's Senegal Bichir loves it!
PVC pipe works well, and is cheap too... I love going to home depot and grabbin a bunch of pieces of pvc.... the fish seem to love it too.. my pleco is always cleaning the pvc.
Plecs love PVC pipes, if you stack rocks around it you'll never see it and the plec will love you for it. Although if you don't want to use a pipe, just build a mound of rocks with plenty of holes and crevices through it, thats what I've done and both my sailfins love it.
what type of rocks can you put in the tank? I know aqaurium rocks but what other rocks can you add becuase i would love to get rid of some of the rocks outside in the yard! Would that be okay? Thanks!
It really depends on what sort of rock it is. If it's limestone for example it's no good as it'll affect the ph. I really wouldn't recommend using anything that hasn't come from a aquatic dealer.
the cave doesnt even have to be that big!

aslong as they think there hiding there ok.

heres my 10" plec


Okay! I will look at my lfs and see what rocks they have!
Any suggestions on what to look for!
Well, you could get limestone, but that is only for fish that like a alkaline pH.

Lava Rock is a good rock, it is acutally fake, but look pretty real...Granite is a good rock, Slate is a good rock, Gneiss is a good rock...Basically anything that is in the aquarium store that is a rock labeled something other than: "Limestone" or "Sandstone", is good.

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